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The ISI® Coaching Effect: Making Moments Matter

The ISI® Coaching Effect: Making Moments Matter

ISI® Elite Training maxes out its capacity with performance coaches traveling from out of state to attend its first ever Coaches Clinic.

Founder and CEO, Adam Rice, partnered alongside his Chief Operating Officer, Amanda Hall, to host a Coaches Clinic for all ISI® Elite Training Performance Coaches with Franchise Partners and Facility Managers in attendance.

The event was hosted on Sunday, February 27, 2022, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Upon arrival, Performance Coaches along with their team checked in and received complimentary headshots with Charlotte’s Sweatnet Photographer, Grace Borchers.

Many use clinics as a way to improve on the skillset of how coaches deliver their product. The main goal of the event for ISI® was not only to focus on what the brand as a whole can improve on to best serve the community, but how to continue making an impact and planting seeds within every session in order to grow.

“Planting a seed and impacting one member's life creates a ripple effect of impact that transcends state lines and generations. Small moments of hope, accountability, connection, and teamwork can change the world today and generations to come, says Adam Rice.”

Placing coaches in an environment where they not only are able to get together, network and learn from each other, but motivate and inspire each other is highly important in an industry where they can get burnt out.

After being led in discussion by Adam and Amanda, an hour long mega workout was held by Adam where Performance Coaches were split into blocks to improve coaching style technique and form.

The overall response of the Coaches Clinic was such a success that the brand now foresees multiple Coaches Clinic's coming in the near future.